I have been reading God, Marriage, and Family: Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation by Andreas Kostenberger and David W. Jones recently. I would recommend this to all theology students, pastors, minsters, elders, etc. It is a fantastic book and thoroughly researched. They look at key Christian areas of family life and tackle each topic with thorough biblical research.
I would not necessarily recommend it to newly weds or as a marriage preparation handbook, it is more suited as a teachers handbook.
One of the best things about the book is the bibliography. You might think i am joking but the bibliography shows just how much research has gone into the book. It is also a great place to find book son each various topic.
I was put not it when listening to a sermon by Mark Driscoll and he talked it up so much i decide to get it. I am not disappointed.
Will try post a bit more in future, its been hectic.