Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Placement Values

After a six week placement with Dingwall Free Church i have been left with many lessons to take in. I hope to share some of these over the next few weeks.

The time with D.F.C has been brilliant and extremely beneficial. The people were so warm and welcoming we felt part of the family in no time. There is a strong sense of fellowship and care for the people around the church which was refreshing and great to see. We will certainly miss our new friends.

My time there was spent under the guidance of Rev. Angus Macrae who has a contextualised approach to ministry driven by a desire for solid biblical preaching. He has a drive for a team ministry which ensures the church is not run on a "one man basis" which allows the different skills God has given people to be used.

The time was overwhelmingly a great experience and re-ignited the passion for studying. It put into perspective those long days in Edinburgh reading books! It was a reminder of the need for a strong solid theological basis. It became clear that the years of study which is required before entering the ministry is there for a reason and not to be taken lightly.

1 comment:

  1. "It became clear that the years of study which is required before entering the ministry is there for a reason and not to be taken lightly." Amen bro, it's a shame so many ministry canidates "don't do theology". Much love, Stephen <><
